Set the expectations workshop

Maria Galani


Have you ever been part of a team, expecting someone to do something, and for some reason he/she doesn’t do it?

Have you ever been part of a scrum team where you expect the team members to update every day JIRA board, the Product Owner to write down user stories with a specific format, and Scrum Master to resolve impediments and coach people?

Well, when things are not clear regarding the roles, you can run a workshop with your team and set the expectations regarding who does what.


  1. Write down all roles within the team.
  2. Ask people to write down what they think each role does.
  3. Group common answers.
  4. Discuss the answers and ask people to answer if they agree with what their colleagues think they should do.
  5. Have an open discussion and agree on some action items regarding what we should do, in order to go closer to the ideal role of ours.
  6. Follow up on the action items in order to see progress.

As the next step of this workshop run a working agreements workshop for the team, in order to see how would be the ideal way of working!

Imagine that you are always happy... Imagine that you come to a point where you don’t expect much from people! Of course, this comes from experience, but in order to make it easier, set the expectations between people and relationships.

It is kind of unfear to expect, without having a conversation about that!

It is kind of unfear, not only for others but first of all, for yourself!



Maria Galani

My name is Maria! I believe in people, I believe in great teams, and I am trying to help people being more agile!